Mom it like it’s hot.


Books, Blogs. Boss babe moms. We all want the info. The right supplies to buy, the hospital bag necessities, the birth plan down to the T, the sleep trainers guide, and the WAY TO JUST DO THE DANG THING. Whose advice do we take? Who has the best of the best? Wait, what is the best of the best? Entering motherhood is inherently one of thee most terrifying experiences because you basically just never know what your baby will be like. Even more so, you are on a new discovery of who YOU will be like.

Everything is foreign - your new body, your new babe, your new life.

I remember scavenging all the best curated pictures of new moms on instagram and drinking it like it was water giving me LIFE! I had four baby showers. Yes, you read that right… FOUR. I was desperate to enter motherhood suited up with everything that everyone had recommended. And then, she came. Seven hours of labor, two stitches, one night in the hospital and boom - we were home, The crazy thing was, none of the nurses came home with me. Shocking, right? That first night was such a blur. I remember slowly falling back on the bed as I passed my four pound nugget to my husband and instantly KO’ing. This wasn't anything close to what all the books said. Nothing.

Now being a mother for about six years now, I can say that I regret one thing; I never truly sought to DISCOVER MOTHERHOOD, I endured it. Because all the books, blogs, and boss babe moms said “this is just a phase!.” I entered every new phase with this intent to hit milestones of development but I was missing out on the savoring. And, I was missing out on the new extended version of myself. God had added strength, capacity, and beauty to my wellbeing and I was too consumed in the arrival.

There will be meltdowns, diaper blowouts, spit up, leaky boobs, dropped lunches, and an untidy home.

There will be days where being needed will overtake your desire to be present with your children.

There will be bathroom lock-ins (for yourself), sobbing car drives, junk food binging, Oprah ugly cry walking through Target. And, guess what? It is all okay. Motherhood is like sweeping in the middle of a dust storm. Eventually, the dust settles. 

Yes, there will be days where mothering seems unappreciated, overlooked, and ridiculously overwhelming in ever sense. 

Yes, you will have days where you question what you’re doing.

Yes, there will be a time where you feel like you don't recognize who YOU are. 


There will be insurmountable JOY.

They will often come from tiny humans with filthy hands and stinky breath…

and you will fill to the brim with gratitude.

Remember to be DEEPLY kind to yourself. 

Remember when your babes see you, they see home.

Remember your post baby body does not equate your value or capability to mother well.

Remember we all have our experiences and stories of this new found motherhood… and they are equally valuable. 

Take your days, as crazy or as peaceful as they come, and MOM IT LIKE ITS HOT.


In between being & doing.


I bet it’s not actually what you are assuming at this point.