In the clouds…


If you know anything about me, you know I am NOT a fan of games. I try to avoid them at all costs! Whether thats bridal showers, baby showers, birthday parties, the list goes on. You will consistently see me attempt use the restroom once that daunting announcement is made that the games will begin shortly. I’m totally okay with this. I will say for the record, I’m not necessarily bad at them, I just don’t enjoy them like most people do. And on that note, I’ve actually even brought home the Friendsgiving trophy for three years. Yeah, I know, ironic.

The truth is, there’s one game I often unconsciously play to the best of my ability- The comparison game. I win every single time, hands down. And in that same token, I lose every single time as well. I lose a bit of my own happiness because it’s gauged on the perception of a false identity. I’m here to say that if we are not careful with this game in particular and how much we can engulf ourselves in it, our joy will slip out like the attempt to hold water in between your own two hands.


COMPARISON CLOUDS CONTENTMENT. One more time for the people in the back.

I’m the first to say that I’ve been utterly consumed in comparison. I’ve compared my body, my finances, my home, my intelligence and my own expectations of myself. Comparison is the tiny tear in our contentment that leaks gratitude for what is in front of us, giving us life. In a society that carries such weight and voice to what we should acquire to be, no wonder we lack a foundation of truth to what really makes us happy.

It is in everything around us. One scroll through Instagram and there we are, dreaming about what it would be like to live the life of an influencer in the Caribbean sipping margaritas with the perfect gifted bathing suit. The cool tones of their beautifully executed photos with the perfect purchased presets so the flow of their feed is seamless.

We want those anthems. The well versed, uplifting and encouraging spit-fire posts that get shared and passed on by hundreds. This deep desire to be heard, seen, and known. It can consume us to train ourselves to be “better.” Does anyone else get exhausted from the upkeep? I’ve found myself even curating certain things in my home just so it gives a cleaner “feel.”

Comparison blinds us from the beauty of who we are and what we have.

Comparison blurs the truth of what is necessary.

Comparison robs us of the freedom to pursue true joy.

This is why we have to constantly remind ourselves of the anthems that we are truly enough.

I’ve had to realign my focus on comparison by declaring that I am not just a mom body, with a mediocre life, and dreams that aren’t worth pursuing. I encourage you to sit down and ask yourself the hard question, “What comparison is clouding my joy?”


Change of plans…


In between being & doing.